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What is Adrenal Dysfunction?

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and make adrenaline (norepinephrine and epinephrine) some testosterone, and finally cortisol (a steroid).  When someone is

Men, Prioritize your Health

After practicing medicine over 20 years, I think there is a reason we see women live longer.  Women prioritize their health and focus more on

Benefits of Berberine

I recently saw an article claiming that berberine is a natural Mounjura or Ozempic.  Of course, berberine is far less expensive, so it would be

Carotid Intimal Medial Thickness Screening

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for both men and women, yet unlike other significant health risks, there is no standard routine screening for heart

The Body’s Connection to Mental Illness

There was a Scandinavian study where they changed the diet of hospitalized schizophrenic patients. They focused on whole foods and avoiding gluten. Amazingly 50% of

Is Your Brain Holding Back Your Healing Journey?

Unfortunately, I see a lot of illnesses in my office that patients don’t realize are complicated by trauma. Healing trauma has moved up to one

Could it be Lyme?

I always have a high index suspicion for Lyme as I see my chronically ill patients. It, like mold toxicity, is often missed because of

Vitamins for Mental Health

Mood can be addressed with a number of supplements while focusing on a healthy diet and getting enough sleep.   Here are some of my

Is exercise really “all that”?

It is, indeed!  Exercise consistently comes up whenever lifespan and disease prevention are discussed.  Of course, you cannot exercise your way out of a poor

Are your gut issues making you sad?

Growing evidence points to a link between depression and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Abdominal discomfort, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation are some of the symptoms

Is your home silently making you sick?

Living in Colorado and its arid climate, most of my patients never consider that their home may be harboring a deadly healthy disruptor, mold, and

A Relocation Update!!

Due to construction delays, we are moving our new location’s Opening Date to October 17th. (Originally, September 25th). Construction delays happen and we hope this will be