Sugar is contributing to your allergies.
Sugar in excess, leads to overgrowth in our gut of more invasive organisms like yeast and clostridia. To fight these organisms in our gut, we use mast cells which are very effective first line fighters of infection. Problem is mast cells are indiscriminate in their destruction. When activated they release almost 200 inflammatory compounds, including histamine. Our body’s first line of defense against yeast is mast cells. So the more yeast we have, the more mast cells we have, and more histamine which is released leading to allergy symptoms and through our gut nervous system connection to the brain, increased brain fog.
Decreasing added sugar in our diet helps on many levels of health but decreasing allergy symptoms is a big one. Eat whole foods, and when you do not, read the back of the label. I recommend no more than 30 grams of added sugar a day. One cup of yogurt can have 22 grams of added sugar so be careful. Your gut and the allergy symptoms it causes, depends on it.